Wednesday, March 19, 2008

When Gamers Visit The Folkes

It is essential to have a contingency plan for games when you are forced to return to the old homestead! I say this out of personal experience at the present moment. I have come up with some safety tips for all gamers incase you get stuck in a West Texas town or any other area you grew up in.

Safety Tip 1:
Bring along a Nintendo DS or PSP. If you do not own one of these two items, run out and buy one immediately! You will not be disappointed.

Safety Tip 2:
Do not rely on your parent’s internet connection. I repeat! Do not rely on your parent’s internet connection! They got sick of paying the extra money to stop lag the minute you moved out.

Safety Tip 3:
Makes sure to have ample gamer friend contacts in the area you are visiting. Most of them have probably moved away or may not be coming back when you visit, which could spell disaster for your chance to game.

Safety Tip 4:
Remember to double check those cases to make sure the cartridge/CD is actually still there before departure. There is nothing more fantastic then wanting to play Starcraft only to find out you left it 500 miles away.

Safety Tip 5:
If you are going to visit review sites for your daily intake of gamer hoopla, try to avoid articles, video, and reviews about recent games that you currently own. It will only make you want to play them more! Instead feed the gamer intrigue in you by checking out previews of things months down the line so you will not regret your current situation.

1 comment:

Hua said...

number 3...essential!